The 4 Best Ways to Send Stress Away as a Real Estate Agent
Take Breaks Throughout the Day
Did you know that even a 15-minute walk can give your mind the rest it needs to come back to work with a clearer head? Regular breaks throughout the day are essential for your overall stress management strategy. And in today’s age of technology, your eyes will also thank you for frequent breaks away from the computer screen. Try reading a chapter in a non-digital book or listening to an audiobook while you go for a walk.
Have a Healthy Sleep and Wellness Routine
Stress impacts our physical health, and our physical health affects our stress levels. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain healthy routines every day. Starting with sleep, be sure that you’re getting enough of it. Too little sleep can exacerbate stressful situations and impact depression. Create a healthy sleep routine. Then focus on eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise throughout the day. For example, keep healthy snacks on hand at your desk rather than candy or chips.
Find Ways to Improve Productivity
You can also reduce stress on the job by developing ways to be more productive. It can be as simple as listening to music while you work to help you stay motivated. Or, if you’re at the point where you’re too busy to handle your workload, consider hiring others so you can delegate some tasks. You can connect on Facebook with local real estate groups to find other agents to help assist with tasks like opening doors or hosting open houses. Or use an app like Showami. You can even outsource parts of your process, like taking photos, to trusted vendors like our team at Square Foot Photography.
Pick Up a Hobby
Even as you continue to build your business, it’s always a good idea to have interests outside of real estate. Find a hobby that you’re passionate about and gets you excited to take a break and keep your mind off work stress. If you like being active, take up a hobby such as mountain biking. If you’re a homebody, try cross stitch or baking. The sky’s the limit.
One way to save yourself time is to leave your listing photos to a professional. Contact Square Foot Photography for more information.